Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bamboo Bloom Means The End, Why

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Bamboo bloom is closely related with the local weather, soil and other environmental conditions, such as weather drought, plant senescence and so on. Bamboo could no obtain appropriate nourishment under disadvantageous growing conditions, resulting bamboo bloom to generate muscular and energy offspring to adjust to the new surroundings.

Facing these questions, what do you consider?

Bamboo belongs to a perennial flowering plant yet only bloom for once time in its entire life. It can grow decades of years ahead bloom. Its color of leaves present a tiny yellow while the bamboo flowers, and some vines grow in the bamboo branches which have a number of small molecules on, this is the bamboo flowers.

We normally watch many flowers of different plants, such as chrysanthemum, peony, osmanthus, rose, etc.. This is quite regular for us to watch the phenomenon. However, some people would be quite feared to see the flower of bamboo, and think that is an symptom for starvation, even still some other people give the phenomenon of bamboo bloom a wafer of superstition.

Plants bloom can be divided into 2 types from the relationship between trophosome and flower: one is a flowering plant which blooms only once in life, the result to diet for it had yet complete surround of its life. This includes annual plants, biennial and continuous plants. The other one is plant bloom many times for the life,At the Luxury End, Holiday Sales Were Hopping - NYTimes.com, and they can survive for many years, such as apple, peach, pear and other plants.

After the flower of bamboo, it ambition be died. As a stuff of truth, there are many kinds of factories who ambition be died afterward bloom for well for bamboo, such as wheat, maize, sorghum, peanuts and so aboard. But many factories are anniversary plants that are common for them to flowers for one time a year, when bamboo namely bloom merely once afterward many years, it seems relatively rare, so they feel strange amid others.

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Many exciting phenomenon exist in ecology, and still waiting for human to browse. Only we draw more care almost them, lots of amusement will be found at us.

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